From the Diary of a Student (part II – English version)
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From the Diary of a Student (part II – English version)
08. 11. 2007 (7424 přečtení) | Autor: RNDr. Jaroslav Kocman | Rubrika: Projekt Finsko |
Tiskni článek Sdílej!

The diaries in Finland have become to multiply. Yesterday we peeped to the keyhole entries of a nameless teacher and today we can read no less interesting notes from one of our students. We are adding photographs from Tereza Gertnerova.
Hello… or hyvää päivää!
I was asked to write some text for our loved web page. And what about Finland?
Do you think it’s curious? But I don’t, because I have spent just four days in a house of a beautiful Finnish girl and her parents. Maybe you are asking why I’m so far from my home and if I have committed something. Don’t worry, the reason is different. A few month ago our school had started to communicate with a grammar school in a far-away town, Savonlinna. After the never-ending parleying with clerks in Brussel everything was OK and we even have got money. The days went on and all of sudden there is 2nd November and it’s time to set off the journey. At the airport in Prague we hoped for a while that the most favourite member of our campaign will not be allowed to get aboard because of the weight of his luggage, but we had a pitch. The next two hours were for the most of us the first experience with flying. We weren’t rather thinking about the All Saint’s Day. After the landing and a four hour journey by bus we were resembling to the place of destination. The strain became giant. The nervousness was almost tangible. Are you afraid of Finns? Aren’t you afraid of Finns? Do Finns eat human meat? I didn’t know. If pinched we could build the corral from surrounding cars and show Finns the purposes of cobblestones. Fortunately we didn’t need to do anything because it turned out that we are in security. During a few minutes we found our hosts and went to their homes. We spent the weekend separately and it was a great opportunity to get to know my whole family. I must say that I have chosen well. My host is not only a beautiful girl, but she even has very kind parents, who gladly gave us the lift to the party, where I could talk with my schoolmates and meet some new Finns. I can say that Finland at first sight doesn’t teem with wood melick and milk but people are very kind here and living with them wouldn’t be a problem. On Monday we met all together in the school. I heard a lot of information about Finland and about school. Then I attanded an English lesson and extremely interesting mathematics which entertained us even though we didn’t understand the pictures on the blackboard. Let alone interpretation in Finnish. I left full of experiences and I’m looking forward to tomorrow.

Hyvää yötää, yours

(Translated by Jana Miřátská)

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Gymnázium Havlíčkův Brod
Štáflova 2063
580 01 Havlíčkův Brod
tel. 569 669 330

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